A survival guide for analytic buzzwords, processes, and presentations that will help you uncover poor analytic practices and make better decisions.
Because, in the scientific world, certain buzzwords should send shivers down your spine. We will lay them out in this section.
This is the follow-up you ask to get a deeper level insight into the analysis being sold you.
Here we will explain why this is more than you just being a pain in some poor analyst’s ass. You may just want to be or you may need to defend your ask against dismissive and likely negligent analysts.
The scientific dog whistle of poor modeling and process. Never fall for the “Myth of The Average”. Whenever movement of an average is used to justify any proposal or concept, you must delve deeper into the supposed insight.
This does not apply to averages within well-developed segments or across time (for now — we will get to that one as well). This is for global, corporate, portfolio-wide averages.